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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Painted Herb Pots

Hey blogger friends...I am sitting here absorbing the sun today. Its been a very rainy & cold April so far.  I know that April showers bring on May thats what I am holding out for... hat we are going to have a BEAUTIFUL bloom of flowers here in Portland, Oregon this year. 
Most of you that know me, know that I love to grow things. I love a big garden with lots of veggies growing. I love to start from the beginning and see these amazing plants grow into something that I will eat or use in my recipes.
I thought I would share an idea I found on my favorite blog.  Jen is new to blogging but already has great ideas.  When I am surfing out new blogs I find that big colorful pictures get my attention.  What I loved about this idea was painting the terracotta pots with Chalk Paint...great idea I thought. 
I started with some old terracotta pots, bought some new dirt. I shopped at my local one stop shopping center and picked up some HERBS I new would use in my recipes.  Look for the sales that are always going on when your purchasing your plants.
The first thing to do is tape off the area's that you don't want painted with chalk  Then outside lay down some news paper and begin to spray your pots with the Chalk Paint.  I let the pots set over night before I began writing with my chalk. Fill your pots with dirt and begin planting your herbs. 
 If you decide  you want your pots outside you can buy Chalk Ink from Micheal's. The regular ink will wash off in the rain. 
Spring I will admit is my favorite time of the year.  I love to see after a hard winter the sun begins to come out more, the buds on the tree start to show signs that blooms are on there way. I love to see the beautiful array of flowers that are growing...daffodils, tulups, peonies, lily's, dahila's geranium's, there are to many to share.

Spring really does cheer me up and get me excited for the summer months.  Gardening has become therapeutic for me.  I could spend hours outside getting down and dirty with my garden.  

Cheers to Spring and lots of good gardening.  Love Susan



  1. LOVE IT! What a great are so creative Miss Susan!!

  2. Darci your the Queen of creativity...that's just my opinion:)

  3. These are so cute!!!! chalkboard paint is such a versatile product.

  4. yes..they were fun to make and super easy. I have them on my ledge in your kitchen.

  5. this was a Martha Stewart idea
