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Friday, February 11, 2011

French Toast

                                          the greatest refreshment in life
 Yes...this is Orange Zest French Toast.

Words to describe this dish...heavenly, delicious, sweet, delightful, memorable, and scrumdidilyumpshus!!!!

Yes, its that good

This is Sheepheaders Bread

use milk,eggs,vanilla,cinnamon,orange zest

add pure vanilla extract

put them all in bowl and mix
stir really well until blended
add you bread slices and soak
heat your pan with olive oil and add your bread
adding some flowers to your tray
dust your French Toast with powdered sugar
add syrup and some heart shaped butter
I love this great dish!!!

It was another favorite we made at the B&B for Breakfast.

To top it off add some oven baked bacon or sausage..and a great cup of coffee.

Here's to a great Valentines Weekend...Cheers!!

Love Quotes:

Forget Love..Id rather fall in chocolate

Life is special take the time

Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a heart.

Never go to bed mad..stay up and fight

Love cures people-both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.

There in only one happiness in life-to love and to be loved.


  1. Oh my word.....this looks SO GOOD! Can't wait to make it!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day my friend!!

  2. I should mention Darci that you need to really let the bread soak if you use the Sheephearder bread because it is so thick.

    Happy Valentines to you!!
